Screw it. I can't re-write tomorrow's post in the Blogger editor. I'll copy pieces of it into Word and re-create it there. When I'm done, if the plan works, I'll have a decent post and a file I can write out as a PDF and list it at IDEAS. I like this plan.
Shit... How do you create a footnote in Word? I could do it, before the menu changed to a ribbon. Now I can't find the option anywhere on the
So I pressed F1 for help and searched for help on insert a footnote. Here are the first five search results returned by Word Help:
Keyboard shortcuts for Microsoft Office Word
Insert or delete a section break
Insert a picture or clip art
Insert a page break
Insert a screenshot
WTF. So I googled how to insert footnotes in word 2010. The first hit was from and I (like a fool) thought yeah I'll go direct to Office for help.
The first sentence on the help page explains that
Footnotes and endnotes are used in printed documents to explain, comment on, or provide references for text in a document.