Friday, April 25, 2014


If you save a spreadsheet, then print it, then click the button to close it, Excel doesn't ask if you want to save the file. Excel knows you didn't change anything. Excel isn't stupid.

If you save a drawing, then print it, then try to close it, AutoCAD asks if you want to save before closing. AutoCAD does not know that you didn't change anything.


This isn't a minor matter. It's not "just one more click". It's much more than that: AutoCAD disobeys me.

You didn't pay for "tidy"

If you're working on a drawing in AutoCAD and you close the drawing, then go into the Windows folder and try to rename that file, you get an error. Windows thinks the file is still in use because AutoCAD doesn't tidy up properly.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Orion is setting

For the longest time I didn't know why I only see the constellation Orion in winter. Where is it in the summer? Below the horizon??

Finally figured it out. I was out with the dog just now, an hour or so after sunset, and Orion was setting in the western sky. That means it was up in the sky in the daytime. It didn't go anywhere. It was right there. But I couldn't see it because of the daylight.

So, that question is finally answered.