Thursday, December 29, 2016

Friday, December 23, 2016

remind me never to use facebook again

I googled Hinterland and clicked a link that looked interesting. This is what I got:

They put that in the way so I can't see the site? WTF. So I clicked Not Now, thinking nothing of it. Then I got this:

Are you kiddin me??????????

Saturday, December 3, 2016

The stupidest thing I ever saw

That must be the stupidest thing I ever saw. But then, I didn't yet see the person who said it.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Trump said he could shoot someone and not lose a vote

Hillary used the "shoot somebody" quote in an election-day advertisement. I'm not sure why. Trump was telling us how the election would turn out.

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Explaining the decline in labor productivity

Screw it. I can't re-write tomorrow's post in the Blogger editor. I'll copy pieces of it into Word and re-create it there. When I'm done, if the plan works, I'll have a decent post and a file I can write out as a PDF and list it at IDEAS. I like this plan.

Shit... How do you create a footnote in Word? I could do it, before the menu changed to a ribbon. Now I can't find the option anywhere on the menu ribbon.

So I pressed F1 for help and searched for help on insert a footnote. Here are the first five search results returned by Word Help:

Keyboard shortcuts for Microsoft Office Word
Insert or delete a section break
Insert a picture or clip art
Insert a page break
Insert a screenshot

WTF. So I googled how to insert footnotes in word 2010. The first hit was from and I (like a fool) thought yeah I'll go direct to Office for help.

The first sentence on the help page explains that

Footnotes and endnotes are used in printed documents to explain, comment on, or provide references for text in a document.


Thursday, May 26, 2016

It's more like cal-starts

In Google: define calends

This usage graph caught my eye because usually, it seems, usage goes up, not down.

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Why is the thing I need to know first, last on the list?

In Excel, trying to create a histogram. I press F1 for help, then type histogram in the search box. The Search results for histogram window comes up, showing one result. One hit.

It couldn't go directly to the one page it found? It insists that I actually click the one item in order to see it? WTF.

So I click the one item from the list of hits which contains only one item, and the Perform statistical and engineering analysis with the Analysis ToolPak page comes up. Okay, we're good now.

Well... reading ...

If you need to develop complex statistical or engineering analyses ...

Is that what I'm doing? I don't know. I just want help on histogram. More reading.

... you can save steps and time ...

Oh that would be good. Maybe we're going directly to histogram now.

... by using the Analysis ToolPak.

Oh. That. Where is that?

You provide the data and parameters for each analysis, and the tool uses the appropriate statistical or engineering macro functions to calculate and display the results in an output table. Some tools generate charts in addition to output tables.

The Analysis ToolPak includes the tools described below...


To access these tools, click Data Analysis in the Analysis group on the Data tab.

Yeah, yeah, okay. Wait, what do I need?

Data Analysis


I don't see it. Where is it?

in the Analysis group

Oh, okay...

No, I don't see it. The Analysis group, where is that?

To access these tools, click Data Analysis in the Analysis group on the Data tab.
On the Data tab.

Sheesh. The thing I need to find first is the Data tab. That's what I need first. Like this:

Not like this:

They want me to remember all three things, and use them in reverse order? You're kidding, right?

If you're telling me how to get to where I want to be, don't start with the destination.

Start at the beginning.

Monday, April 4, 2016

Learning Welsh

A while back, I would play my Pink Floyd CD while working on the computer. Background music. Like white noise. Or pink noise, maybe.

More recently, I'd put a Jason Bourne movie in the DVD player. Not to watch it, just for background.

Now it's Hinterland. I've seen most of the Season Two on Netflix already, but not enough times to have it as background. So it's Season One, front to back.

Couple minutes ago I needed a break, got up from the computer, went and sat by the dog. The TV was on. Hinterland was on. I watched it for a moment and suddenly understood the word heddlu. It's Welsh for "police".

Duh. All this time I thought it must be a place, like "Causton" in Midsomer Murders.

Friday, April 1, 2016

Honda CATS