Thursday, December 30, 2021

So I went to Sciencing to get the title right.

I don't usually make scatter plots. But I'm doing one now, and I don't want to mess it up. So I looked it up.

Sounds good. So I went to Sciencing to get the whole story. Specifically, to get the title right.

Too much information, maybe.

I read it twice. Then I made my scatter plot title. Then my forehead wrinkled and the gray matter told me That's not right.

If "plant growth" is the y-axis variable and the proper form is "y-axis variable vs. x-axis variable", then the title would be "Plant Growth vs. Amount of Fertilizer." Not "Amount of Fertilizer vs. Plant Growth."

Now I have to wonder if it's just coincidence Google omitted that last sentence from Sciencing, or if the Google AI is really smarter than I am.

1 comment:

The Arthurian said...

I found this the other day:

Preparing Graphs
Author: J. M. McCormick
Last Update: May 8, 2013

This, the opening paragraph, would have been helpful when I was trying to get the title right:

"When we prepare a graph the independent variable is always on the “x-axis”, and the dependent variable is always on the “y-axis”. We indicate which variable is which by saying as a function of or “versus”, with the dependent variable coming first, and the independent variable coming second. So if someone says, “volume was plotted as a function of mass” or “the volume is plotted versus mass,” it means that mass was on the x-axis and volume was on the y-axis. Watch what you say/write as there is only one correct usage!"